Membuat dan menghapus services di windows XP

Gara-gara salah konfigurasi squid di command prompt untuk mengaktifkan proxy pada windows xp. Padahal cuman salah sedikit. Salahnya cuman tanda - (min) malah pake tanda _ (underscore), akhirnya squid pada services ga mau di start.... pusing dech...

Akhirnya nyari solusi uninstall squid, tapi ga berhasil juga couse squid yang sudah ada di services masih tetap ada. Mana file squid yang di folder C:\ sudah dihapus manual lagi :(
Udah dech nanya ama si mbah, untungnya ketemu cara menghapus atau menambha services di windows xp.

Kira-kira begini nich caranya...
(diartikan sendiri yach... kalo tidak dipahami saja dan dicoba jika ketemu masalah dengan services di windows xp)

Create or Delete A Service in Windows XP

Services are added from the Command Prompt. You need to know the actual service name as opposed to what Microsoft calls the Display Name. For example, if you wanted to create or delete the Help and Support service, the name used at the Command Prompt would be "helpsvc" rather than the Display Name of "Help and Support". The actual service name can be obtained by typing services.msc in Run on the Start Menu and then double clicking the Display Name of the service. Once you know the name;

To Create A Service

* Start | Run and type cmd in the Open: line. Click OK.
* Type: sc create
* Reboot the system

Fig. 01

To Delete A Service

* Start | Run and type cmd in the Open: line. Click OK.
* Type: sc delete
* Reboot the system

Fig. 02

If you prefer to work in the registry rather than through the command prompt to delete services;


Click Start | Run and type regedit in the Open: line. Click OK.

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

Scroll down the left pane, locate the service name, right click it and select Delete.

Reboot the system

Beres dech....
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